Crash & AJ

Crash & AJ

Crash and AJ, Weekday Mornings on 98ROCK


A recent poll reveals what Americans need to have a "Perfect Day"

The average person expects to have 16 perfect days in 2025, which isn't too bad. It's around one perfect day every three weeks. If you had a totally free day to do whatever you wanted, how would you spend it? A new poll examined what America's "perfect day" would look like. 

before that list, here's what Crash&AJ said had to be part of their perfect Day.

AJ: Getting up without an alarm and going for a run outside during those first few hours the sun is up, followed by a delicious cup of coffee.

Producer X: "My perfect day starts off by telling no one that I am free"

Crash: Let's start with 7 hours of sleep followed by 200mg of caffeine on the back patio. let's follow that up with a solid workout of some sort.


6 hours and 54 minutes of sleep

 2 hours of eating

 3 hours of family time

 1 hour and 24 minutes hanging out with friends

 1 hour and 6 minutes hanging with pets

 3 hours and 6 minutes watching TV

 1 hour and 24 minutes spent on hobbies

 1 hour 30 minutes messing around on our phone.  (Why not just double that up with watching TV? Multitask, people!)

 48 minutes of exercise  (That sounds lofty.)

 48 minutes spent shopping

 A 42-minute nap. That's on top of the seven hours of sleep you got.

 And finally, 1 hour and 18 minutes spent listening to music.  (We can help with that!)

 For more this story click here SWNS)

Photo from Getty

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