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Startup Plans To Perform Head Transplants Within 10 Years

Article Pic: Getty Images

Hold onto your heads! In a mind-bending medical feat, neuroscience startup BrainBridge claims to have developed an AI-powered system capable of performing head transplants - which will graft a person's head onto a brain-dead donor body – all while preserving memories, cognitive abilities and consciousness. The procedure aims to provide several new treatments for patients battling things like paralysis, cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease.

While the first such transplant is projected within eight years, BrainBridge is publicizing it now to attract top scientific talent, claiming the technology "promises to open doors to lifesaving treatments that were unimaginable just a few years ago" and eventually "transform healthcare as we know it.”

For more on the story, go here to the source: NY Post 

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