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Man Intentionally Got Pulled Over To Secretly Tell Police He Was Kidnapped

Have you ever heard of someone INTENTIONALLY driving like crazy so that they'd get pulled over?



Cops in Florida were parked along the highway last Wednesday night, when they saw a car speeding down the road, swerving across multiple lanes.



They pulled the driver over, and asked all four men inside to step outside the vehicle. They later told the men they were free to go . . . and the three passengers walked back . . . but they noticed the driver hesitated on the road. 



They looked closer, and noticed that the driver was making a hand gesture behind his back, which simulated someone firing a gun.



They called him back, and he told them to pretend like they were writing a ticket . . . because he was being KIDNAPPED by the other three guys in the car, and that they had guns. The cops did, and then announced they'd need to search the car.



They found the guns, and arrested the three passengers. According to the police, they'd broke into the driver's home, stole cash, and then demanded he drive them two hours to Miami, where they could get to more of his money. It's unclear why they wanted him to drive.

Source: MSN
Article Pic: Getty Images

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