Today's superstar is a Florida man who is still on the run after robbing a Bank the Day After He Finished an Eight-Year-Prison Sentence FOR ROBBING A BANK!!!
Police in Florida are looking for a 59-year-old man, who allegedly robbed a bank the DAY AFTER he got out of prison. He was serving an eight-year sentence for robbing another bank in 2013.
A 59-year-old man in Florida named Timothy Jones was released from prison last Wednesday, after serving eight years for a bank robbery in 2013.
Then, on Thursday the NEXT DAY he allegedly robbed another bank in Florida.
He walked in . . . said that he had a gun . . . demanded $150,000 in cash . . . then carjacked a Toyota Camry . . . and fled the area. It's unclear how much cash he got away with.
If he learned anything, it MIGHT be evading the authorities. Last we heard, cops were still looking for him. He's wanted for armed bank robbery and carjacking in Orlando. He was last seen wearing a blue short-sleeved polo shirt, blue cargo shorts, and white socks.
(Click Orlando / WTSP)