Crash & AJ

Crash & AJ

Crash and AJ, Weekday Mornings on 98ROCK


A woman yelled "THIS BABY IS YOURS" to Johnny Depp in court

A Woman in the Courtroom Told Johnny He Was Her Baby's Daddy

A woman in the gallery at the JOHNNY DEPP / AMBER HEARD defamation trial held up a child and yelled to Johnny, quote, "This baby is yours!" She was kicked out of the courtroom.

Yesterday, after the judge called for a morning break, a woman in the gallery yelled, quote, "Johnny I love you! Our souls are connected!"

Johnny waved to the woman, but then she held up her BABY, and said, quote, "This baby is yours!" She was escorted from the courtroom.

(There's apparently no video of this chaos, but you can get a look at the woman in this news report.)

Two more things to note:  KATE MOSS is going to testify by video link tomorrow, because a rumor came up earlier in the trial that Johnny once pushed her down a flight of stairs . . .

 And COURTNEY LOVE is walking back comments she made about the trial that kind of shaded Amber.

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