Crash & AJ

Crash & AJ

Crash and AJ, Weekday Mornings on 98ROCK


Man has truck stolen THAT HE STOLE a week earlier

A Man Calls Police When a Truck He Stole Five Days Earlier GETS STOLEN AGAIN!

Today's Superstar is from OHIO and he called to report his truck was stolen last Monday. The cops found it . . . but they also discovered that the man who called had previously stolen the truck himself just five days prior. Both thieves were arrested.

His name is Brett Redd called the police last Monday, and reported that his truck was stolen.BUT HE STOLE THE TRUCK FIRST 5 Days Earlier! The truck was then stolen by his PASSENGER while he was at a gas station. The cops located the truck, and arrested the guy who took it.

But in the process of searching for the vehicle, they looked up the information on it, and they discovered that it was reported stolen . . . BEFORE the day they got the call.

As it turns out, just FIVE DAYS before Brett reported the stolen truck, HE stole the same truck from a landscaping company. 

Now, both men have been charged with receiving stolen property. As far as we know, the second thief was NOT connected to the landscaping company, so this isn't a case of someone stealing their own property back.

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