Crash & AJ

Crash & AJ

Crash and AJ, Weekday Mornings on 98ROCK


The U.S. tried permanent Daylight Saving Time before and it didn't go well


Now as the idea of permanent daylight saving time has gained some political momentum, it’s probably worth a look back to another period when the US tinkered with time.

Back in 1974 The U.S. actually adopted a permanent Daylight Saving Time, which got rid of the pesky bouncing back and forth war with our clocks. The question is WHY did we get rid of it?
WELL, lets take a look back.

At the beginning of 1974 President Nixon signed a permanent Daylight Saving Time into effect and ALMOST IMMEDITLEY problems arose. The first of which was THE SUN RISING AT 8:30 AM in January WOULD YOU BE OK WITH THAT? With that came plenty of problems including kids waiting for the school bus in the pitch black. Accidents began happening with drivers and kids at the bus stop it got to the point where kids were equipped with flashlights. Would that still be an issue in 2022, who knows?

It got so bad that US Senator Dick Clark of Iowa said during a speech in Congress on January 28, 1974; “It’s time to recognize that we may well have made a mistake,” 
This historical video of Day Light Saving Time was posted by Fox13

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