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Keanu Reeves Donated most of his "Matrix" Salary to Leukemia Research

Keanu Reeves Donated 70% of his "Matrix" Salary to Leukemia Research

A new report came out that KEANU REEVES donated 70% of his earnings from the first "Matrix" movie to research for leukemia the blood cancer. At the time, his younger sister was battling the blood cancer, before going into remission in 2001.

Keanu made around $45 million, so 70% of that is around $31.5 million.

His younger sister Kim had been battling leukemia for eight years at the time. She was diagnosed in 1991 and went into remission in 2001.

Keanu put his life on hold as he became her care giver, which saw the Matrix sequels delayed and him selling his house so he could move closer to her and look after her.

Keanu actually created a charity to aid adults and children with cancer. He didn't attach his name to it though.

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