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Woman Dumped For Cheating, But It Wasn't A Person She Was Cheating With

This woman WAS cheating on her boyfriend in a way. Just NOT the way he thought.

A 22-year-old woman anonymously posted a story on Reddit about how her three-year relationship ended recently when her 24-year-old boyfriend noticed she was making a lot of suspiciously long trips out of the home.

He confronted her last week for cheating on him and dumped her.

And she told him what was really happening. He's a VEGAN, and she was sneaking out to go to McDonald's to eat meat.

He didn't believe her but she swears it's true, and now she's trying to figure out how to prove it. Quote, "I never thought my relationship would end over something so stupid." 

Source: Reddit
Article Pic: Getty Images

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