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The Miami Heat Will Have "COVID-19 Detection Dogs" to Sniff Fans

The Miami Heat are adding a new component to their efforts to ensure the safety of their fans: COVID-SNIFFING DOGS.

In a video on their website, the team explains that fans will be asked to stand in screening areas before being admitted. The Covid-19 detection dogs will then walk past each person, and if the dog doesn't stop by you, you're clear.

HOWEVER, if the dog signals you by sitting down next to you, you and your group will be removed from the line and denied entry into the arena.

Someone working on the plan says, quote, "It turned out that training the dogs is a relatively quick process, and results were surprisingly good and promising. A dog is capable of detecting the presence of the coronavirus within 10 seconds."

Finland's Helsinki airport is using the detection dogs, which they say have "an accuracy level of nearly 100%, even five days before actual symptoms appear." 

Article Pic: Getty Images

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