Crash & AJ

Crash & AJ

Crash and AJ, Weekday Mornings on 98ROCK


Pornography: A Public Health Risk?

The following video is about how one member of Florida's State government believes that pornography is a public health issue, while others say there are more important matters to focus on other than pornography.

Florida Representative Ross Spano (R-Hillsborough) is making a bold claim that pornography is a public health issue because young kids with smart phones have much easier access to explicit content.

            "Research has found a correlation between pornography and mental and physical illnesses, difficulty forming and maintaining intimate relationships...problematic or dangerous sexual behavior."

                                                                                                                             -Steve Spano

Other members of government such as Cary Pigman (R-Sebring) disagreed with Spano and believes that there are other more important things to worry about.

            "We have problems with hypertension, obesity, with diabetes, with Zika...we have others that are far more pressing."

                                                                                                                            -Cary Pigman

Credit: WTSP channel 10 News Tampa

Video Credit: Youtube;

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