The video shows the plane being pulled at a high rate of speed. The plane is unmanned and has no breaks so naturally it must be towed at a snails pace to keep it under control at all times. This driver clearly had no experience at this kind of thing by is handling of the plane and tug. The next moment had the driver turning back to the gate at a such a severe angle the front tire of the aircraft actually ran over the tow bar and snapped it in half. The plane then continued forward and crushed the tug with the driver in it.
Luckily, the driver suffered only minor injuries and the plane had no passengers or crew on board. The plane was towed back to the hangar and another was moved into position causing yet ANOTHER unneeded delay for passengers.
Airlines need to stop putting profits over safety and greatly reduce the flight load until they can hire and TRAIN workers to handle everything they were hired to do. At this pace it seems like only a matter of time until a catastrophic event happens and everyone will be in "thoughts and prayers" mode. Shameful.....
photo: getty images