There are various ways to generate income, even in a lockdown. This apparently includes making money while you sleep. A new viral trend is called the "sleep stream" and one of the best sleep streamers out there is a guy who goes by the name "Asian Andy". The 26-year-old from Los Angeles made $16,000 in just one night on his Twitch Livestream.
Like many other influencers, Andy set up text-to-speech recognition for his Livestream, meaning that music played with every donation and the messages were read aloud. A lot of viewers used their messages to get Alexa to play loud music, imitate a dog barking, or make his alarm clock go off. One recurring theme in an August Livestream was viewers telling Andy someone was at the window, leading to over-the-top reactions.
"Thank you so much. I used to drive Uber for $16 an hour." He has more than 40,000 subscribers on Twitter and Instagram and one million subscribers on YouTube.
photo: getty images