Photo: AFP
Chad Smith proved just how talented he really is while partaking in Drumeo's "For The First Time" YouTube series. The segment challenges drummers to play along to a song they've never heard before, and here's the catch: the drum part is filtered out. The producers chose Thirty Seconds to Mars' hit "The Kill" for the Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer, and though he had no idea what the song was, he nailed it.
“What the f*** was that? Is that like My Chemical Romance or something?” he asked after the song ended. "It's some kind of emo thing, I don't know what the f*** it is.”
When the host revealed it was Thirty Seconds to Mars, Smith had at least heard of the band. “Ahhh! Jared’s band. Jared Leto," he said, "His brother [Shannon] is the drummer.”
They then played back the original song so he could hear the drum part, and Smith was pretty impressed with himself (and rightfully so). "I f***ing nailed it!" he exclaimed.
Watch the full video below.
Warning: Explicit Language
Last month Smith and Dave Grohl joined forces during a Chevy Metal set at a pizza joint in California to cover AC/DC's "Dirty Deeds." Check out footage of that set here.