Teen Spiked Stepdad's Energy Drinks with Cow Tranquilizers

A teenager in eastern Wisconsin is facing charges after he repeatedly spiked his stepfather's energy drinks with COW TRANQUILIZERS.

Tyler Rabenhorst-Malone's stepdad is a dairy farmer, hence why there was tranquilizers sitting around. 

Early last year, Tyler started squirting the liquid tranquilizer in his stepdad's energy drinks. The first time he did it, his stepdad started stumbling around, slurring his speech, and had trouble breathing.

It was so scary, he went to the hospital. But doctors told him it was probably from stress, a lack of sleep, and from having too many energy drinks.

His symptoms came back a few months later though. Then he found two used syringes in the corner of a barn, and realized Tyler had been poisoning him.

Tyler says he thought it was "funny," and was never trying to hurt his stepdad. But he's on the hook for two felonies, and he'll be in court later this month. 

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