Ever Dream of a Doritos-Flavored Liquor? It Now Exists!

Doritos-flavored LIQUOR is now a thing that exists.   


A spirit company in Denmark is behind it. They partnered with PepsiCo, so it's an "official" Doritos liquor.  


It's supposed to taste exactly like their Nacho Cheese version, and it's 84 proof. So, 42% alcohol. That's a little stronger than your average 80-proof liquor. They're calling it an "uncategorized" spirit, but it's basically cheese-flavored vodka.


So does it actually taste like Doritos? According to people who've tried it, YES, it's pretty close. They infused it with actual Doritos.


It also smells like them. A writer for "Food & Wine" said it has a "bouquet" that's, quote, "brimming with the unmistakable tang of cheese dust." They thought the aftertaste was a little more like Fritos than Doritos though.


They announced pre-orders would start today at 9:00 A.M. Eastern. It's not clear how many bottles there are, but we assume they'll sell out. It's $65 for a fifth.

Source: Food & Wine / CNN

Article Pic: Getty Images

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