Man shoots his barber over bad haircut

We have all had bad haircuts and immediately wanted revenge on the barber.

Today's superstar is from Kansas City who took a shot at his barber after a bad haircut!

Vernie Dickens Jr., 33, is charged with first-degree assault, two counts of armed criminal action and unlawful use of a weapon.

His Barber Draque Murff told local News on Thursday how close the bullet came to paralyzing him on June 2.

However, Murff and witnesses say the gunman wanted to kill him because he was upset over a haircut.

After Dickens became upset with the haircut he received, KW did not charge him.

Dickens returned the next day and began waiting before he rose to superstardom and pulled his gun on the Barber

Murff told local News...."before I could even finish, he pulls out a gun [and] was like, 'I told you to do your job.' He puts it to my face, I immediately turn to the right and run out the front door."

He was later arrested and faces a list of charges

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