Five Finger Death Punch's Ivan Moody Suffers Eye Injury During Rockville

Five Finger Death Punch frontman Ivan Moody's right eye was injured during the band's show in Daytona Beach, FL on Thursday (May 19th) after it was accidentally exposed to a laser beam. Moody shared a since-deleted video on social media late Thursday night explaining that he "got overheated" and tripped over a laser which wound up shooting him in the eye. 

While at the hospital, Moody visited with several fans who were also brought to the ER due to various reasons during the Welcome To Rockville Festival at which Five Finger Death Punch was playing at the time of his accident. He shared several minutes of video featuring him meeting and chatting with those fans. reports that Moody said, "I've gotta go back (home) to (Las) Vegas and I've gotta see a real eye doctor, and hopefully it's okay. I can't see out of it right now. It's, like, have you ever stared at the sun or a lightbulb and you get that green light — it blackens it out. Imagine that times, like, a thousand. They thought my retina was separated; that's how bad it was.

At the moment, the band is scheduled to launch its European tour on June 12th at Austria's Nova Rock festival. 

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