WATCH: Johnny Depp takes stand and recounts story of losing his finger

Johnny Depp Says Amber Heard Has a "Need for Violence"

On the witness stand yesterday, JOHNNY DEPP said AMBER HEARD has a need for conflict and violence. He also accused her of taking drugs like molly, mushrooms and speed, and drinking a lot of wine. He'll be back on the stand today.

In his second day of testimony yesterday, JOHNNY DEPP said that AMBER HEARD has a NEED for conflict and violence. Quote, "It erupts out of nowhere "It could begin with a slap, it could begin with a shove, it could begin with throwing a TV remote at my head. It could begin with throwing a glass of wine at my face. All in all, it was constant."

But once again, he said he never responded with violence. And he said that he stayed because he wanted to make it work and he thought he could help her. He also said she would sometimes threaten suicide if he left.

Johnny suggested that Amber was more of a substance abuser than him being a big wine drinker and also using molly, mushrooms, and speed. And he accused her of fabricating all her claims of abuse.

Johnny also addressed the incident in which Amber allegedly severed the tip of his finger by throwing a vodka bottle at him.

He said, quote, "I don't know what a nervous breakdown feels like, but that's the closest I've ever [felt to one] I knew in my mind and my heart that this is not life. No one should have to go through this."

Then there was the POOP incident in which Johnny's security guard found FECES on his side of the bed days after they'd had an argument and Amber had gone away to Coachella.

He said, quote, "It was so bizarre and so grotesque that I could only laugh."

And even though Amber tried to blame it on their teacup Yorkies, Johnny said they were too small to have done it.

And he addressed the op-ed Amber wrote for "The Washington Post" . . . the one Johnny is suing her over. He said it was "obviously" about their relationship, and because of the allegations, even if he wins the trial, he has already lost.

Amber's attorneys started their cross-examination of Johnny yesterday. That continues today.

(Entertainment WeeklyRolling StoneTMZ)

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