This Two-Headed Sea Turtle is Unbelievably Cute

Meet Squirt and Crush, a two-headed loggerhead sea turtle found on Hilton Head Island in South Carolina.

According to the Sea Turtle Patrol Hilton Head Island Facebook page, the head-turning hatchling was discovered during a nest inventory.

Don't expect to start seeing a bunch of two-headed turtles in the near future, though. This type of mutation is usually a random genetic occurrence.

According to the Turtle Patrol post, “This mutation is more common in reptiles than in other animals but it is still very rare.".

Although the sea turtle was found and released, Squirt and Crush are not expected to live very long.

“One head governed one side (of the turtle’s body) on the front, and other head governed the other flipper. They weren’t working together.”

The turtle’s names come from two “Finding Nemo" characters — Crush, a green sea turtle, and his son, Squirt.

We're hoping for the best for these adorable little guys. Surf's up, Squirt and Crush!

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