Panhandler Turns Down Gig, Potential Employer Makes Sign to Let People Know

Ryan Bray from Bradenton recently saw a guy panhandling at a stop light. Instead of giving the man any money, Bray offered the man a job.

Bray said he'd pay the panhandler $15 an hour to do yard work. But the panhandler was uninterested and refused the offer. According to Bray, he then started cursing at him, and eventually kicked Bray's tire before leaving.

Bray decided to take matters into his own hands at that point. He drove home and made his own sign.

Then Bray went back to shame the panhandler as other people drove past. The sign read "I offered him $15 an hour to do yard work for me, and he refused. If we as a community stop paying them, they will leave our neighborhood."

Bray, sign in hand, followed the panhandler wherever he went.

We asked on Twitter if this is a Strong Move, or a Wrong Move.

You can watch the video documenting the interaction below.

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