UPDATE: Phil Collins Wife Selling His Gold Records!

Phil Collins’ Ex Is Auctioning Off His Gold Records -You can be the proud owner of Phil Collins’ awards or gold records on the cheap.

Orianne Cevey, who recently got the boot from the singer’s Miami mansion has found a way to make cash quick. She’s auctioning off designer handbags, shoes and even some of Phil’s awards and gold records.

One of the gold records is for Robert Plants“ The Principle of Moments” as it was recorded on the Genesis front man’s label. You can buy it for $100, a lot containing Phil’s awards and distinctions is going for the same price.

Cevey and Collins married in 1999, but they got divorced in 2006. They reunited in 2016 only to split up again.

By the way, she's also selling her shoes. Her lawyer stated "I mean after all, she does have 5,000 pairs of shoes alone and only two feet — she can’t wear them all"

photo: getty images

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