Today's Superstar Threatened a Bus Driver for Driving Slower Than He Could Walk
 A man in Massachusetts was arrested last Friday after he threatened a bus driver for driving too slowly. He was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon for taking an "aggressive stance" with a piece of wood.
22-year-old Wakell Steele boarded a bus in Massachusetts on Friday, and became VERY frustrated with the speed they were going.
He pulled the stop signal and demanded his money back. He didn't get the response that he wanted . . . so he grabbed a "piece of wood meant to secure the tires of the bus," and took an "aggressive stance" toward the driver.
He demanded his money back again . . . and to be let off the bus so he could WALK. It's unclear if he got his money, or if he just bailed.
In any event, the police caught up with Wakell down the street, and he was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. The driver wasn't harmed.