Crash & AJ

Crash & AJ

Crash and AJ, Weekday Mornings on 98ROCK


Florida Man Robbed Someone at Gunpoint, for not buying Him Chicken Nuggets

Today's Superstar is a Florida Man who robbed someone at gunpoint, after he refused to buy him Wendy's chicken nuggets

Our superstar today is John and he robbed another guy at gunpoint in Florida last week, because he wouldn't buy him any Wendy's chicken nuggets. The robber got away with the guy's car but was caught and arrested the next morning.

John approached a customer who was getting out of his car, and asked the guy to buy him some chicken nuggets. The guy refused, and went into the restaurant. But John was NOT happy.

When the guy came back out, John ambushed him .and pointed a semi-automatic gun with an extended magazine at him. He demanded the guy's gold chain and his car keys. The guy gave them up, and John took off in his car.

The police found John the next day and arrested him. He's facing charges of armed robbery, carjacking, fleeing police, and driving with a suspended license. The victim wasn't hurt. 

(Local 10)

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