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Fortnite added a tribute to MLK Jr. and people think its weird

Martin Luther King Jr. Is in "Fortnite" Now

This is a little weird...check out this tweet from Fortnite about their new tribute to MLK Jr.

"Fortnite" added a MARTIN LUTHER KING JR .tribute, and a lot of people think it's inappropriate. One critic said, quote, "True, the mode looks peaceful, but like . . . it's still a battle royale game . . . trying to do an event about a man who was assassinated."

The Game developers teamed up with "Time" magazine to add an in-game tribute to MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. to the game. It's called "March Through Time" and it brings players to Washington D.C. in 1963 the setting for King's "I Have a Dream" speech.

But instead of a cool tribute to Dr. King, a lot of people think it's kinda off.. One person Tweeted, quote, "Imagine fighting for your own life for equality, getting assassinated, and then now your legacy will be a bunch of kids calling you 'That guy from Fortnite'. Disrespectful if you ask me."

Another user said, quote, "I'm probably just not getting it, right? Like, far be it for me to belittle a unique learning opportunity. But, like in Fortnite, though?

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