It's Friday the 13th!!!! Do you always blindly have some superstitions like knocking on wood, but how did they really come about?
Friday the 13th itself has biblical ties and to the number of guests at the last supper and Jesus' crucifixion on Good Friday.
We just assumed it was the day Jason was born in a manger on camp crystal lake
Do you knock on wood? Ancient civilizations believed that trees housed ancient spirits and touching it would offer you some kind of protection against evil.
Are you afraid to breaking a mirror will bring you 7 Years bad luck? Ancient romans believed that the mirror held a piece of your soul and that your soul refreshes every 7-years so the two myths were married.
Have you ever seen a black cat cross your path and got worried some bad luck was headed your way? WELL, in the middle ages black cats were associated with witch craft and demons and seeing one cross your path somehow blocked your connection with GOD.