I can assure you Halloween candy and BEER do not go well together. I've tried :) . However, wine and candy is pretty awesome. Just ask my wife. Below are the candies popular with our age group and wine drinkers alike. Save this for that one night when life has been a true Hell and let it rip. Head to Costco, hit the wine aisle and stock up
Butterfinger. Try it with a buttery chardonnay. The flavors go best with a white wine. Ideally one that's medium-bodied.
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Try a Lambrusco. It's a sweet wine that goes well with peanut butter for the same reason jelly does.
Kit Kats, or anything that's mostly about the chocolate. Go with a Pinot Noir or a Syrah. Definitely something red.
Candy corn. Pop a bottle of champagne or Prosecco. Apparently the waxiness of the candy corn goes well with bubbles.
Snickers. Go with a deep, rich Syrah. It goes well with chocolate and nuts.
Starburst, Nerds, or anything else that's straight sugar. Pair it with a dry Riesling, or a dry rosé. You're already getting enough sugar, so you don't want anything too sweet.